Sunday, January 8, 2012

Brushaun Anderson, January 1, 2010

Brushuan Anderson took his life after repeated hazing and bullying by Phillip DeVos, Charles Bruckner, William Fisher, and Stephen Amaral. A higher ranking investigating colonel and a commander both recommended General Memorandum of Reprimand for all four, but Heyward Hutson defended them. (Hutson himself was rejected initially from West Point Military Academy and had to go to it's prep school to be eligible for admission. Of all people he should have been forgiving and understanding of Anderson's challenges. Anderson himself had received good reviews before being transferred to this unit. Please contact the Army Public Affairs Principal Deputy Stephanie Hoehne (703) 693-0616 or Chief Stephen Lanza at (703) 693-4273 and demand a court-martial of DeVos, Bruckner, Fisher, and Amaral.UPDATE: Senator Chambliss of Georgia has requested a Congressional Inquiry to the Army in regards to Anderson's death.

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