Les' we forget that there are hundreds of Unsolved Civil Rights Murders that have yet to be prosecuted and justice served, and there are many more "suspicious deaths" and "mysterious murders" that occured during that era and continue to this day. Therefore, this blog serves to bring justice by going beyound posting stories, but also having a follow up plan involving legal actions which will not be disclosed at this time. Justice will be served les' we forget.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Leon 4X Ameer, March 13, 1965

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His family wants answers and is seeking justice.
His family will seek justice all of the important information will surface. What happened to my Dad.
It has been 49 years since the death of my father Leon 4X Ameer....I am the eldest of 8 children and we need closure on his death.What really happen to my father??????? Darcel Y.Casseus
Please help us...the family of Leon 4X Ameer in finding answers!!!!because he was our father.
Please help us...the family of Leon 4X Ameer in finding answers!!!!because he was our father.
Please help us...the family of Leon 4X Ameer in finding answers!!!!because he was our father.
I don't think it's possible. I think the FBI was involved in his death, so the government will not go near the case. The most the family can do is to gather as much info about him as possible and find a writer willing to pursue it. Sadly, that might require a WHITE writer because a black one will be ignored by the media. Good luck
I am the third child (2nd daughter of Leon.It is a true saying that the truth will surface,no matter how long it will take. My father's children range from 60 to 48 years old. Leon had 5 sons, can you imagine being reared without a father,needless to say they all are remarkable young men. My brother Michael was murdered in 1976. The time has come to face the truth, good,bad or indifferent. If anyone who is reading this Blog can help us find closure, please come forth. All my life I lived with this void of missing my father and not knowing why he was murdered. Missing you Daddy,
friend me on facebook
I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Researching Brother Malcolm's death brought me to this page, and I must say that the circumstances surrounding Brother Ameer's death are quite ominous. If what I read is true, there is no doubt in my mind that the American government holds full responsibility for spilling the blood of your father. The inside contact known as John Ali, the meeting between Ali and Tamaldge the day before Brother Malcolm's murder, the ransacking of Malcolm's lawyer's office, your father coming to the FBI with evidence, and subsequently being found deceased from an "overdose".
A common assassination technique of these cowards is using chemicals, whether it be "sleeping pills" or a deadlier agent, to incapacitate only the most prominent and uncompromising leaders in the black community. This method ensures minimal suspicion and the least visibility or detection. Your father wasn't going to let Malcolm's dreams die off in vain, and was heading the OAAU; the government couldn't silence him peacefully or buy him off like many black puppets today. Similar to Khalid Muhammad, your father was undoubtedly in a position of great power, being the head of the OAAU, and he was in a position to drastically change the trajectory of our people from where they are today.
Unfortunately, the cowards responsible for Brother Ameer's murder will probably never be brought to justice, and the same goes for the cowards who incited the murder of brother Malcolm, whoever "they" may be. The best we can do is carry on their legacies in our actions, and never give up on the dream that they envisioned for our people.
Your father is an unsung African-American hero who was uncompromising in the face of this devil we know as Uncle Sam; he was killed fighting the injustices done to his people. The best we can do is work towards his dream in any way possible, by any means. I know that is not the best answer, but it is the only one I see as feasible for us as African-Americans and stolen children of the Motherland.
Many Blessings.
Leon Ameer's name does NOT deserve to live in obscurity, forgotten by most. He was a true hero who spoke out and paid for it with his own life. The family DOES deserve to know the whole truth. The problem is, the truth is hidden behind weak, afraid men, members of a group who they once had devoted their lives too.
The Nation Of Islam.
Look at this video and the answers are plain to see:
Just look at those two beautiful men in that video, both slain well before their time. Leon Ameer and Malcolm X were killed by the same people. Members of the Nation of Islam, instructed to do so by Elijah Muhammad jr himself.
There is no government conspiracy, no evil Uncle Sam (at least not this time). It was two great men, who saw the lies and hypocrisy first hand, and refused to swallow it anymore. They left the N.O.I., spoke out and were both killed for it.
This rarely seen video is proof.
The family should do research on the police case and exactly what happened when Leon Ameer was working for Muhammad Ali and was beaten "unmercifully" (Malcolm's exact words) by members of the N.O.I. The "freedom of info" act can help get the files on Leon Ameer's beating and exactl WHO beat him unmercifully. These "men" who assaulted him need to be interviewed and interrogated. Your "killers" should not be too far away. This information needs to see the light of day.
Also, why are the ties between the KKK and the N.O.I. not spoken about more often? Muhammad Ali even bragged that he gave speeches at KKK rallies because they "had a lot in common". I find this sickening on so many levels.
Someone please, do more research.
Follow the leads and give this family some well deserved closure.
Why would Ameer tell the FBI that he had evidence against the Government in the death of Malcolm? When they are the Government? I'm confused.
I really wish I had a chance to meet my grandfather, Love you always and forever.!!!!!!!!!
Any update on Brother Ameer's death investigation?
At the time, the Public was unaware of COINTELPRO. For many in the Civil Rights Movement, the Federal Government was their last bastion of hope.
It is 2019, and I miss my father, Leon 4x Ameer so much. Our lives would be so different now. This time of year brings sadness to me. There has not been closure to my father's death, so many unanswered questions.
Still seeking answers for the murder of our daddy(Leon 4X Ameer)to have someone taking away from you at a very young age is hearthbroken, especially when we do not have closure on what really happened? Missing and loving you always....Your children(Darcel, Leon, Pamela ,Michael(deceased),Magda, Daud, Ali and Rodney)#phillipsstrong#nevergivingup
Happy Father's Day Daddy. We will get answers regarding your death. The truth never stays hidden. Miss you so much. I Love you Daddy!!
Your Baby Girl, Pampy.
Today is February 23rd 2021 and to this date we still do not have any closure on our father Leon 4X Ameer's death. Still asking for help. Daddy you will never be forgotten. MP.
an excellent article in covertaction magazine on the assassination of malcolm x led me here:
my heart was touched by the comments of Leon 4X Ameer's relatives. as it has been by learning about some of the many indignities and injustices and brutalities and fatalities which have been afflicted upon slaves and their descendents to this very day. i'm sorry for it all, for your loss(es), and ongoing grief. life's not fair.
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